воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


G Gray code Greatest common divisor. It needs more information! This works beautifully and resolves all the cases above that otherwise fail. Other implementations of Object Pascal. SpeedFreak SpeedFreak 4 4 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. Delphi side declaration via TdwsUnit: dwscript

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The above is purely a script side implementation. An experimental JIT compiler is available for Win G Gray code Greatest common divisor.

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The following script demonstrates in which cases the compiler performs an implicit cast between set and array:. Category Discussion Edit History. Delphi side declaration via TdwsUnit: U Unicode strings Unicode variable names.

The method takes, among others, an argument which is a set of some enumerated data type.

I saw from cwscript error message generated at script compile time that DWScript pass such an argument as an array of integer and that the Delphi side receive an array of variant TData. ParamAsInteger[1]-1 ; Script side usage: This enumerated datatype is exposed from Delphi to the script. DWScript programming typically involves less code than classic Pascal due to the availability of type inference and inline declarations, though classic Object Pascal code is largely supported.

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TMyArray ; var MySet: C Case-sensitivity dwscritp identifiers Character codes Cholesky decomposition Classes Comments Compile-time calculation Conditional structures Copy a string Count in factors. This works beautifully and resolves all the cases above that otherwise fail. I would implement the Delphi side a bit dwscrlpt see belowbut apart from that your solution appears correct. This page is a stub. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. DWS allows to use as well as define whole classes with polymorphism, meta-class and interfaces support, etc.

DWScript DelphiWebScript is a dwscirpt object-oriented scripting language based on the Delphi language, with extensions borrowed from other Object Pascal dialects.

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Demo 'Hello', [mffStop, mffClose] ; end; Delphi side code: Note however that this is just a limitation of the compiler frontend which hopefully, dqscript, will be resolved. In my own branch of DWScript I've modified the compiler to perform an implicit cast from an array of enum values to a set: Improving the question-asking experience.


Pages in category "DWScript" The following pages are in this category, out of total. B Bitwise operations Boolean values. An extensive unit tests suite ensures high quality and robustness. M Mandelbrot set Multiplication tables. Active 3 years, 11 months ago. Accessing the array is done using "ProgramInfo.

The following script demonstrates in which cases the compiler performs an implicit cast between set and array:

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