воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? But I can't find the veyron super sport They added a lot of other cars also. Log In Sign Up. DazzaStar DazzaStar 8 years ago 8 PPL like you give this forum a bad name I know what Sarcasm is, coincidently it is also the lowest form off wit which says it all really I was just saying and I repeat if he wants the Veyron to go MPH then all he needs do is upgrade to lvl Jeez some ppl really are annoying. Keep me logged in on this device. bugatti veyron super sport tdu2

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I've explored the first island and found tons of dealerships. Any comments relating to TDU2 are from others' on the board or my own experience with the PC version.

I was just saying you can't read.

They added a lot of other cars also. They said the preorder cars would be exclusive for atleast 60 days, afterwards they'll probably sell them as DLC at their site. I did find the bugatti dealership which did sell the Bugatti The SS is a preorder car. DazzaStar DazzaStar 8 years ago 6 I read it fine all I was saying was if you upgrade to lvl 3 it will be close to Mph level 4 passed it probably but not got there yet.

Keep me logged in on this device. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

TDU 2:Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport

I read bugstti fine all I was saying was if you upgrade to lvl 3 it will be close to Mph level 4 passed it probably but not got there yet. Frisco Frisco 8 years ago 9 People who can't read, use PPL instead of people, and don't understand the concept of not just the word sarcasm give this forum a bad name.

That mean if you didn't buy from a certain store I think it was Wal-mart in the USyou can't get it. DazzaStar DazzaStar 8 years ago 8 PPL like you give this forum a bad name I know what Sarcasm is, coincidently it is also the lowest form off wit which says it all really I was just saying and I repeat if he wants the Veyron to go MPH then all he needs do is upgrade to lvl Jeez some ppl really are annoying.

Log In Sign Up. I'm still very far from affording it, but I couldn't find it anywhere to bugatit drive it. But I can't find the veyron super sport Frisco Frisco 8 years ago 7 From: Sign up for free! PPL like you sort this forum a bad name I know what Sarcasm is, coincidently it is also the lowest form off wit which says it all really I was buatti saying and I repeat if he wants the Veyron to go MPH then all he needs do is upgrade to lvl Jeez some ppl really are annoying.

Frisco Frisco 8 years ago 2 The SS is a preorder car. evyron

bugatti veyron super sport tdu2

Frisco Frisco 8 years ago 5 From: Any ideas as to how to get it? I was a bit confused about that. The Bugatti Veyron I guess I'll have to deal with the horribly slow regular bugatti veyron which only has like a hp engine and only does mph instead supeg mph. Jeez some people are really annoying.

TDU 2:Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

My main issue is acceleration gdu2 both the original and SS have the same accleration and similar which is what is tud2 important in races so i'll deal with it, but hopefully they will sell it as DLC People who can't read, use PPL instead of people, and don't understand the concept of not just the word veyrom give this forum a bad name.

There are a couple different preorder cars, but most are just repaints with the Veyron SS being the only car thats actually faster. Though honestly the fact that this forum is for a racing game that cares more about the online than the actual racing gives it a bad name. Forgot your username or password? Added for Guybrush's sake. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password?

bugatti veyron super sport tdu2

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